Welcome To Orbit 15 May 2020
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Transitioning Back to Work in a Post-COVID-19 World
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, here are some considerations, tools, and methodologies from overseas that may help guide Australian organisations who are similarly facing these unprecedented challenges.

Space Station is here to help
At Space Station L10, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne, we have private offices and video conferencing facilties to suit all your needs. All our private offices offer optimum space, adhering to social distance restrictions.
Check out the 3D tour below:
COVID-19 Latest Updates

Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia source: pm.gov.au
The ease of COVID-19 restrictions is underway as we see many states actioning the Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia. Although States and territories will move at different times, we are in this together. See the Australian Government Roadmap.
Please note: Space Station is not endorsing any changes or personal decisions made by organisations or individuals. Space Station is providing our readers with information to make an informed decision during COVID-19 restrictions adhering to each states regulation. – More information can be found at australia.gov.au

Post COVID19 – The new normal in Coworking spaces
As the COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease in many states, we would like to help transition you and your businesses back into this new “normal”. Whether it be you, your business or team that has been impacted, Space Station may have the solution for you.
Space Station offers Members, Clients and Guests private offices to suite all your needs. Distance planning has also been taken into consideration with all rooms providing optimal space, abiding by social distance regulations.
Space Station offices are accessible 24/7 for our members, allowing organisations to slowly transition their employees back to work post COVID19. Our workspaces allow you to scale up or down your “get back to work plan” post COVID19.
Talk to us today and ask about how we can help transition you and your business, back to the new normal.
03 9810 8630
Melbourne / Sydney